Peeblesshire Beekeepers Association

April – Beginners Classes


Starts 23rd APRIL 2016: £35.

An all-day session of theory and practical,

followed by supervised hands-on beekeeping through the year.

For £35 we offer the course, one year’s membership of Peeblesshire Beekeepers Association, and the opportunity to look after a hive of bees for a whole year at the Association apiary.

We will provide a mentor for you, so you can build on your skills throughout the year, and gain confidence.

We can lend all the equipment you’ll need – just bring boots and gloves!

For further information and an application form, contact:

Mandy Clydesdale, the PBKA Secretary via our website:

or call 01721 720 563 or Mob 07563 185 993.

April Jobs

Remove mouseguards – it’s still cold but the bees are active. However colonies will still be under strength, so reduce the size of the entrance so it’s easy to defend.

If it’s too cold for them to fly, check have enough stores, or out fondant on, then syrup as the weather warms up.


Apiary Meeting April

Informal chat about what’s happening at the association apiary and hopefully find some volunteers to help with any jobs that need doing.

Also if you have any ideas for the association or questions about beekeeping in general this will be a good place to get information from other beekeepers.

The meetings will be at 7.30pm on the first Tuesday of the month in the back bar of the Neidpath Inn in Peebles.

March Meeting – AGM

Annual General Meeting.

Peebles First Responders in the person of Brian Steele have very kindly agreed to come along and do a First Aid demo for us, since many of us work our hives where emergency help can be slow to reach us. There will be a chance to try resuscitation, Epipen, and hopefully see a defibrillator too.

N.B. Subscriptions are due on 1st April and can be paid at the AGM.

Tuesday 29th March 2016, 7.30pm, Peebles Community Centre.

Apiary Meeting March

Informal chat about what’s happening at the association apiary and hopefully find some volunteers to help with any jobs that need doing.

Also if you have any ideas for the association or questions about beekeeping in general this will be a good place to get information from other beekeepers.

The meetings will be at 7.30pm on the first Tuesday of the month in the back bar of the Neidpath Inn in Peebles.

February Meeting – Gavin Ramsay – Bee trade and the native honeybee

Gavin Ramsay: Scottish Beekeepers Association Bee Health Officer

Bee trade and the native honeybee

Gavin will talk about the old and modern trade in bees, the setting up of the Colonsay (“black bee”) reserve, the strains of bees that come in today and their effects on local bee populations.

He’ll look at the characters and the traits of different types of bees: and with an eye to the future will talk about starting a new society for supporters of the “dark bee”.

Tuesday 23rd February 2016, 7.30pm, Peebles Community Centre.

Apiary Update

Sunday 24th January

Mandy, Peter and Linda were at the association apiary on Sunday 24th January to do oxalic acid treatment.

The first hive (nearest the wall) was small but surviving. Oxalic acid trickle was done on about 4-5 seams of bees.

The second hive was a bit bigger and got a similar trickle treatment.

Sadly the middle hive, that has always been struggling with numbers, had died. The hive and contents were removed to be disinfected. The bees were not in a good enough state to be examined for disease but probably lack of numbers had caused this colony to fail.

The fourth hive when opened was rather too lively to do trickle treatment as the weather was rather mild. So the last two hives were not treated.

All the colonies were flying in the mild weather and all had adequate stores of fondant.


Sunday 7th February

David and Peter went to treat the remaining 2 hives with oxalic acid.

David brought his varrox vapouriser equipment, and the two (strongest) hives were treated by the oxalic acid sublimation method.

The weather was pretty wet but the treatment seemed to go ok.

The last hive had a new pack of fondant added as it had almost finished its pack.

The colonies treated 2 weeks ago showed a fair mite drop indicating that the trickle treatment had been working.


Jobs To Do

Anybody visiting the apiary should check the varroa floors for mite drop and make a note of the count on the record sheets.

New record sheets for each hive would be useful as many of them have now got damp!

Apiary Meeting February

Informal chat about what’s happening at the association apiary and hopefully find some volunteers to help with any jobs that need doing.

Also if you have any ideas for the association or questions about beekeeping in general this will be a good place to get information from other beekeepers.

The meetings will be at 7.30pm on the first Tuesday of the month in the back bar of the Neidpath Inn in Peebles.

PBKA Association Apiary Meetings

Last month we had an extra Peeblesshire Beekeepers meeting just informally (in the pub).
People seemed to like the idea so I’d like to keep this going this year.
The format is that we chat about what’s happening at the association apiary and hopefully find some volunteers to help with any jobs that need doing. Also if you have any ideas for the association or questions about beekeeping in general this will be a good place to get information from other beekeepers.
So its an open invitation to anyone who wants to come along – bring a friend if you like!
The meetings will be at 7.30pm on the first Tuesday of the month in the back bar of the Neidpath Inn in Peebles.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday 2nd February.
I hope to see you there,
Peter Stevenson
PBKA Treasurer.

PS. Sorry folk who can’t make Tuesdays but that was the best day for the pub.