Apiary Visit Sunday 14th May 2017
We aim to visit the Association Apiary weekly on a Sunday from 2pm to 4pm – weather permitting.
If we need to cancel due to the weather, Mandy will email by 11am, so please check your emails.
Sessions will be led by an experienced beekeeper.
This session will be led by Mandy and Janet
Beginner beekeepers are encouraged to come along to learn practical skills.
Car share if you can as parking is limited, you can let Mandy know if you need or can offer a lift, or if you need directions.
If you need to borrow a beesuit for the visit please contact Mandy – we have some available, and even 2 child size suits.
We usually have refreshments after apiary meetings, so please bring something along; guests are welcome too.
If you are able to come along and be the lead or assistant beekeeper for one of these sessions, please contact Mandy as soon as possible so she can work out the rota for the rest of the summer. Guest demonstrators also welcome!