PBKA Honey Show 2024 Report
Our annual honey show was held this year on 26th November 2024.
Many thanks to our regular judge Alan Riach who was joined as usual by his wife Cynthia who is a fount of knowledge on how to best prepare exhibits for show.
There was not a particularly high number of entries this year, perhaps reflecting the difficult beekeeping season. However, most classes were at least competitive and all had a high standard of entries.
1. Two matching 454g (1lb) jars of light liquid honey.
First: Peter Stevenson, Second: Wilma McLean, Third: Frances Soutter
2. Two matching 454g (1lb) jars of medium liquid honey.
First: David Ferguson, Second: Peter Stevenson
3. Two matching 454g (1lb) jars of dark liquid honey.
Second: David Ferguson
4. Two matching 454g (1lb) jars soft set blossom honey.
First: David Ferguson Second: Peter Stevenson
5. Two matching 454g (1lb) jars ling heather honey.
6. Two matching 454g (1lb) jars ling heather blend honey.
First: David Ferguson Second: Peter Stevenson :
7. One shallow (super) frame of honey (any variety).
First: David Ferguson Second: Wilma McLean Third: Peter Stevenson
8. Two matching comb honey sections/rounds (any variety).
First: Wilma McLean
9. Two matching containers of cut comb (any variety) not less than 200g (7oz).
First: David Ferguson Second: Wilma McLean Third: Richard Leeman
10. One piece beeswax, weight not less than 225g (½ lb).
First: Peter Stevenson Second: David Ferguson
11. Three Matching Beeswax Candles.
First: David Ferguson Second: Peter Stevenson
12. One bottle of mead, volume not less than 70ml.
First: Peter Stevenson Third: David Ferguson
13. One piece cut comb honey (minimum weight 200g).
14. One 454g (1lb) jar of honey any variety.
15. Photograph 6” x 4” unmounted print on a bee related theme.
First: Peter Stevenson Second: Jenny Litherland Third: David Ferguson
16. Honey cake: to be displayed on a clean white paper plate and enclosed within a clear plastic wrapping.
First: Wilma McLean Second: Frances Soutter Third: Jenny Litherland
John Stoakley Cup: David Ferguson
Andrew Stewart Shield: Peter Stevenson