Peeblesshire Beekeepers Association

Prof David Evans Talk Tue 30th October

Dr. Bodgit goes beekeeping: DIY for beekeepers.

Prof Evans is coming back on Tuesday 30th October: “Dr. Bodgit goes beekeeping: DIY for beekeepers”. David (aka “The Apiarist”) explains how to: “Make the stuff you can’t buy … that works better … with as little bloodshed as possible”

It’s hopefully both fun and informative. He’ll cover making hive components – but not hives – such as roofs, floors, clearer boards, crown boards, split boards etc. He’ll also cover foundationless frames, nucs, honey warming and bottling. We’ll see how much time is left but can cover other topics as well. He’ll bring examples of some of these things (if they’re not in use on his own hives). There will be a smattering of beekeeping info thrown in as well.

Venue: Community Centre, Peebles, 7.30 start.


Honey Market Stall 20th October

Honey Market Stall 20th October

Peeblesshire Beekeepers will be at the Peebles Eastgate Market on Saturday 20th October.

We will be selling a selection of honey from the association hives and from other local beekeepers.

All honey on sale is produced from the hills and meadows of Peeblesshire,  cold filtered to retain maximum flavour – a 100% local food product. There will tasting samples available.

The beekeepers themselves will be on hand if you want to know more about how honey is produced and the amazing creatures that create it.

Pub Meeting Wed 3rd October

The local beekeepers will be meeting in the back bar of the Neidpath Inn Peebles on Wednesday 3rd October at 7.30pm.

It will be the usual mix of beekeeping chat, association business and maybe some plans for next years centenary.

All welcome.

Honey Extraction Session Sun Sept 23rd

2pm start: a fun session for experts and beginners alike, to learn and to help with all aspects of honey extracting and packing. Janet Dutch has very kindly offered her kitchen again – I think she must still be laughing about last year’s session. It was good company, and a good laugh.

Volunteers, helpers and learners – and guests – all welcome, please let me know if you’re coming, so you’ll know what to wear/bring. This is the harvest from PBKA’s own hives, and proceeds from the honey sale are important to help keep the Association’s events and equipment at their best for all our members.

So – hope to see you there!

Thanks folks –

Pub Meeting Wed Sept 5th

The local beekeepers will be meeting in the back bar of the Neidpath Inn Peebles on Wednesday 5th September at 7.30pm.

Find out what has been happening locally and get answers to questions on honey harvesting and processing, autumn feeding, varroa treatments and anything else.

All welcome.

Association Apiary Maintenance Sat 25th August

Peter will be visiting the apiary for a maintenance check on Saturday 25th August at 2pm – postponed from last weekend.

This will hopefully just be a quick check to see what needs doing in terms of possible honey removal and varroa treatment.

Anyone who is interested to come along is very welcome but please contact Peter beforehand if possible.

Pub Meeting Wednesday 1st August

The local beekeepers will be meeting in the back bar of the Neidpath Inn Peebles on Wednesday 1st August at 7.30pm.

Bees and beekeepers have had great summer weather. Honey supers have been filling rapidly.

Find out what else has been happening locally and get answers to questions on honey harvesting, autumn feeding, varroa treatments and anything else.

All welcome.

Association Apiary Maintenance 31 Jul-2nd Aug (Provisional)

Date and time provisional. Details will be posted here and by email when confirmed.

A rota of experienced beekeepers will check the association colonies roughly every 10 days. Ranald will be leading this visit.

Beginners will be welcome to come along to these sessions.

Visits should not take more than an hour. The midweek visits are suggested for the Tuesday-Thursday.

This way the visits can be shared, and place less of a burden on the usual small core of volunteers.