PBKA Association Apiary Meetings
Last month we had an extra Peeblesshire Beekeepers meeting just informally (in the pub).
People seemed to like the idea so I’d like to keep this going this year.
The format is that we chat about what’s happening at the association apiary and hopefully find some volunteers to help with any jobs that need doing. Also if you have any ideas for the association or questions about beekeeping in general this will be a good place to get information from other beekeepers.
So its an open invitation to anyone who wants to come along – bring a friend if you like!
The meetings will be at 7.30pm on the first Tuesday of the month in the back bar of the Neidpath Inn in Peebles.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday 2nd February.
I hope to see you there,
Peter Stevenson
PBKA Treasurer.
PS. Sorry folk who can’t make Tuesdays but that was the best day for the pub.