Peeblesshire Beekeepers Association

Honey Show – Judge Alan Riach – November 28

Honey Show – Judge Alan Riach


Alan is well known in Peebles, and highly respected as a honey judge, so we’re delighted to welcome him back as our judge. Many of our beeekeepers will know Alan as the examiner for SBA Beemaster certification.

Show Schedule:-

2017 Schedule & Rules
Please get your entries to the Drill Hall by 7pm: volunteers to help with setting out the show and with marking will be very welcome!
And if you can bring something towards the refreshments – even better.
If you have any queries about the Show, please contact the Secretary.
PBKA has a display case for a frame of honey (Class 6): this can be borrowed by members, but please book it in advance.

Guides to preparing items for showing can be found here:


All meetings start at 7.30pm, in the Community Centre (Drill Hall), Walkershaugh, Peebles, followed by a question and answer session. Then there’s time to chat and catch up afterwards, over refreshments.

Everyone’s welcome at our meetings – you don’t need to be a member. Further details on the website ( or contact the Secretary: 01721 720 563 / 07563 185 993.

PBKA Market Stall 25th Nov 2017

Saturday 25th November: Peeblesshire Beekeepers Honey Stall, Eastgate, High Street.
Bring along your honey and hive produce to sell at the PBKA stall on the High Street.
NB ALL items must have been produced conformation with Food Hygiene requirements, and must be correctly labelled and priced. Please provide a taster pot if possible, and a stock list with prices; there will be a small charge to cover the cost of hiring the stall. Volunteers to help man the stall will also be needed, between 10am and 3pm

Please contact Mandy or Peter.

Honey Show Reminder

Don’t forget our Honey Show on  the last Tuesday of the month – judged by Alan Riach.

Schedule and Rules:-

2017 Schedule & Rules

Please get your entries to the Drill Hall by 7pm: volunteers to help with setting out the show and with marking will be very welcome!

And if you can bring something towards the refreshments – even better.

If you have any queries about the Show, please contact the Secretary.

PBKA has a display case for a frame of honey (Class 6): this can be borrowed by members, but please book it in advance.

Also – Saturday 25th the Association has a stall at the High Street food market: if you have any hive products to sell, please contact Mandy or Peter Stevenson.

Guides to preparing items for showing can be found here:


PBKA Pub Meeting 8th November

Only a few apiary jobs to do at this time of year – making hives weather and mouse proof, checking stores and planning varroa treatment.

If you want advice about planning for next season, or to get some exhibits ready for this month’s honey show, or if you are a novice and just want to find out more, then come along and chat to the local beekeepers.

This months meeting will be on Wednesday 8th Nov at 7.30pm in the back bar of the Neidpath Inn in Peebles.

Kate Atchley: Pollens through the Season – October 31

Pollens through the Season: samples collected in Spring & Summer, analysed and photographed under the microscope, with guidance on making pollen slides.

Kate Atchley has kept bees for more than 20 years and recently led a native bee breeding project in Ardnamurchan. A reluctant late-comer to SBA exams, she became fascinated by microscopy when preparing for that module, and continues to study pollens and the physical characteristics of bees, using microscopes and undertaking wing morphometry. She is a NW Area Representative and trustee of Scottish Beekeepers Association and will soon move to live near Kelso; she is also one of the founders of the SNHBS, and a great supporter of native honey bees.

All meetings start at 7.30pm, in the Community Centre (Drill Hall), Walkershaugh, Peebles, followed by a question and answer session. Then there’s time to chat and catch up afterwards, over refreshments.

Everyone’s welcome at our meetings – you don’t need to be a member. Further details on the website ( or contact the Secretary: 01721 720 563 / 07563 185 993.

Honey Extraction Day 30th September 2017

Honey in the comb

Honey in the comb

“The best way to extract honey is in the nude”, so says the beekeeping sage. It certainly can be a sticky business, but the local beekeepers fortunately did not need to take things to those lengths for their recent honey processing demonstration. A group of us assembled at the house of the gracious, but largely unsuspecting, volunteer who had offered up her large kitchen for the day.

First order of the day is cleanliness. Food hygiene and sales regulations are complicated, and ideally food producers should use purpose built premises to comply. However, for small batches for “informal” sale, a domestic kitchen is fine as long as all precautions are made not to contaminate the product. Equipment was cleaned and sterilised, overalls donned, hair tied back and covered, dogs banished – all ready. A pile of assorted boxes of honey frames were available, allowing several different techniques of honey extraction to be demonstrated.

The most fiddly, but usually the quickest is to use the extractor. There are different styles of these but the general principle is to load up the honey frames into racks inside a steel drum. The racks are then birled around inside the drum and the honey flies out the comb and settles to the bottom of the tank where there is a tap to pour out the liquid harvest. Often the extractor is powered by a small motor but in our case person power was required to turn a handle – almost as good as going to the gym.

Extractor Loaded

Extractor Loaded

For this to work though, the little wax caps made by the bees to seal over the honey, needs to be removed. Our most skillfull member showed beautiful technique in slicing the capping off with a sharp knife. Wax cappings are valuable as they are generally the lightest coloured and cleanest type of comb. Just as effective is to score the wax with a special pronged tool like a big sharp comb but now the wax is shredded and difficult to recover. Frames loaded, the spinning begins. Now you know how in every washing machine there is a big heavy weight that stops it from jumping round the kitchen? Well honey extractors don’t come with that. So if you have neglected to make a suitable rigid stand to bolt it to, then you need an assistant or two to lean on the drum as the handle turner shows off their speed to wheedle out the last precious drops. Exhausted by this effort the extracting crew are rewarded by the sight of the liquid gold gushing out through the tap, through the mesh filters and into the waiting container. Spun combs can be given back to the bees who will clean them up and reuse them next year saving them a lot of energy in comb building.

filtering from the extractor

filtering from the extractor

Elsewhere in the kitchen a more sedate occupation is taking place. Cut comb honey is literally just that. The bees build their comb on wooden frames provided by the beekeeper. To help them get started a wax panel called “foundation” is slotted into the centre of the frames. For frames that are going to be hashed around in the extractor this foundation is thick and also reinforced with metal wire to stand up to the force of spinning. However for cut comb the foundation is thin, maybe only consists of a starter strip or is absent altogether – the bees of course are perfectly capable of making their own comb. With thin comb and no wires, it is straightforward to slice up chunks of comb. The chunks of comb need to be drained on a wire rack before packaging so that the comb is not left floating in a sticky mess.

Cut Comb

Cut Comb

The last technique, is the most destructive and yet somehow the most satisfying. This time the combs are cut out of the frames, mushed up in a bucket, dumped in a cloth bag and squished in a press. The joy comes from seeing the honey pour forth a little more each time the handle is turned.

honey press

honey press

Here in Peeblesshire the heather moors have been beautiful this year. Ling heather honey has a special property – it is thixotropic (google it) – this means it is gel like, and can’t be spun in a normal extractor and must be pressed instead. The folk spinning the extractor were not best pleased when this bit of science was revealed. As is often the case with our local bees they have taken an early crop (maybe sycamore or dandelion) when the weather was fine in May, eaten most of it when the weather was not fine for the rest of the summer, then topped up the combs with heather, thistle and willowherb in August. So some honey spins out, the rest remains glued to the frames. What to do? More mushing! A lower tech solution than the press is to get two stackable storage boxes, drill holes in one and line it with muslin. Then take all the mushings and assorted other bits and pieces that have proliferated in dishes around the place and squeeze them through with a heavy weight or a strong arm.

Honey Mush

Honey Mush

Happy with the seasons bounty it’s time to tidy up. It’s been a nice sunny day and the host’s bees have been out flying. In fact looking out the kitchen window we can see an awful lot of them around one particular car. Could this be the car that already has some wet honey frames tidied away into it? Could this be the car that was only purchased the day before? Could this be the car whose new owner has not quite figured out how to work the controls and has left the windows open slightly? Oh dear – an open invitation to the bees who have taken full advantage and are flying excitedly around inside and out of the vehicle with more and more joining in the free food bonanza.

The sheepish car owner donned a bee suit, removed the free honey buffet to the far end of the garden, gingerly drove a hundred metres away and left the car windows open. The bees being far more interested in food than human transport vacated in a short time.

Tired and maybe a little sticky we were pleased with the days work. A decent harvest and as every year the thought that next year will be glorious for both bees and honey.


(PS I was that new car owner !)

Dawyck Plant Sale 8th Oct

On 8th October we’ll be joining the Friends of Dawyck Garden’s Autumn Plant Sale: there will be an opportunity to put the case for bees to all those dedicated gardeners, and also to sell hive products: so save some of that honey etc and bring it along.

If anyone has a small gazebo or similar that we can borrow on the day, that would be very useful!

Volunteers welcome, to man or woman the stall on the day: contact David Ferguson or Mandy Clydesdale.

PBKA Pub Meeting 4th Oct

It’s the time of year to think of winter preparations for the bees.

Maybe its time to be extracting and preparing honey if you’ve been lucky with a honey crop this year.

Also a chance to review the season and think about next year.

As usual all welcome to discuss this and all things beekeeping on Wednesday 4th Oct at 7.30pm in the back bar of the Neidpath Inn in Peebles.

See you there.

Apiary Visit 10th September Report

Richard L and Peter went to the apiary on Sunday 10th September.

The weather hadn’t looked promising but it was actually fine and even sunny while we there.

The guys doing the walling were also there and had reached the section where the storage huts are. They needed to get their scaffolding in at the wall. So with their help, we shifted the huts to behind the line of hives and repacked the contents. Very kindly they offered to do the bulk of the heavy lifting and we didn’t argue too much!

There are only 2 hives in the central area with bees now and we topped up the feeders on both. One had a super on which we removed along with the used up MAQ’s strips. This one had quite a large varroa count which is hopefully still mites falling from the treatment. All the hives need to be checked for varroa now and judged to see what treatment they are going to get. The third active hive was in at the wall. Since the wallers were actively working here and had the compressor going adjacent to the hive we didn’t open this one up. Peter may go back and check this one if there is a warm evening this week.

The walling work may be completed this week and the guys have just worked around the bees, so in the end there wasn’t any need to relocate the hives. Longer term, it would be nice to find out more about the plans for the walled garden but at the moment this information is hard to come by.

News from the out apiary at Merlindale – Peter went out to Dankas on Saturday. The 2 association hives are doing very well. One which had no laying queen has brood again now and plenty bees. There are also good stores and we left the super on that one. The other hive which has still a huge amount of bees had also filled the best part of 2 supers. We took one of these off for association honey and left the remaining one for the bees. We moved Dankas colony from the association hive into her own poly hive and were amazed at how much brood and bees there were. All were good tempered with us although they had disgraced themselves earlier by stinging the gardener who had been strimming in front of the hives. He wasn’t too put out fortunately and will take some more precautions the next time.

Finally thanks to Brian for the photos taken earlier in the season and I’ll post some more of these in due course.

At work in the apiary.

A shallow frame has been in the brood box.