Peeblesshire Beekeepers Association

Pub Meeting 2nd May 2018

The local beekeepers will be meeting in the back bar of the Neidpath Inn Peebles on Wednesday 2nd May.

Spring has sprung even though its still cold. Hives will be booming when the temperature warms a bit more.

Hear how colonies are doing in this early season. There will also be chat about the association apiary and the beginners day.

All welcome.

See you there,


Pub Meeting 4th April 2018

The beekeeping season will soon be in full swing. It’s time to get ahead, get organised and get advice.

The local beekeepers will be back in our regular haunt, the back bar of the Neidpath Inn Peebles on Wednesday 4th April.

We will be planning for the new season at the association apiary, and for the beginners day later in the spring.

Anyone who is interested in bees and beekeeping is more than welcome to join us.

See you there,


Varroa and DWV: Science and practical beekeeping : Professor David Evans : Tuesday 27th March

We’re delighted that Professor David Evans has been able to reschedule the talk that was cancelled due to the snowy weather.

His talk now take place on 27th March, in place of the AGM, which is to be rescheduled (details to follow).

David Evans is Professor of Virology at St Andrews University, and is the author of the popular blog “The Apiarist”.

He’ll talk about his latest research into varroa and Deformed Wing Virus, and how beekeepers can best protect their bees from these.

His talk: “Varroa and DWV: Science and practical beekeeping” and will explain viruses and how rational varroa control works.

As usual, the talk will start at 7.30pm at the Community Centre (Drill Hall), Walkersheugh, Peebles: there is a small charge (£1) to cover costs, and any contributions to the refreshment table will be very welcome!

Pub Meeting 7th March 2018

Hopefully the beast will soon depart back to the east and spring will be with us properly.

The bees have already been out and about collecting pollen from the snowdrops on warmer days and so brood rearing is under way.

The local beekeepers will be meeting on Wednesday 7th March at 7.30pm in the back bar of the Neidpath Inn Peebles.

We will be planning the new season at the association apiary. Advice will be on hand for beginners and improvers.

Anyone who is interested in bees and beekeeping is more than welcome to join us.

See you there,


Professor David Evans Virus diseases of Honeybees: recent research – February 27

Professor David Evans, St Andrews University

Virus diseases of Honeybees: recent research

Professor Evans is known to many beekeepers through his blog (theapiarist), and in the academic world for (among other topics) research into the Deformed Wing Virus (DWV) in honeybees. His talk will explore the problems, and the latest thinking on combating this.

All meetings start at 7.30pm, in the Community Centre (Drill Hall), Walkershaugh, Peebles, followed by a question and answer session. Then there’s time to chat and catch up afterwards, over refreshments.

Everyone’s welcome at our meetings – you don’t need to be a member. Further details on the website ( or contact the Secretary: 01721 720 563 / 07563 185 993.

Apiary Visit 11th Feb

Richard, David and Peter went out to the association apiary on Sunday.

The main job was to move the storage sheds back to near the wall.

Richard donated some pallets and we put the sheds on those with a layer of weed suppressant fabric underneath to help with damp.

Mice had been nesting under the sheds and had got into one of them. There was a dead mouse in the shed and a live evicted mouse outside looking for a new home.

Apart from a few chewed smoker bellows, and a lot of mouse droppings, there wasn’t too much damage done. We gave the sheds a bit of a clean and airing before repacking them.

We checked the 3 colonies on site and they are all still alive with plenty of fondant left. The hive by the wall still looks the strongest and the other two are quite small but hopefully will pick up in the next wee while.

The walled garden has had the giant evergreen trees removed at the expense of turning the ground into a quagmire.

We are still waiting to hear from the estate about the plans for the garden and future siting for the bees.


PBKA Pub Meeting February 7th

Its a new year and spring is approaching. Time to think about plans for this years beekeeping.

If you are an old hand, a beginner or just thinking about starting you can swap plans or get advice from the local beekeepers in the comfort of the local pub. All welcome.

This years first meeting will be on Wednesday 7th Feb at 7.30pm in the back bar of the Neidpath Inn in Peebles. Sadly the Neidpath Inn seems to have closed down.

This month we will try the Cross Keys, Northgate, Peebles as our venue – still 7.30pm.

It’s quite a big pub with a few nooks and crannies so I’ll bring some bee paraphernalia and put it on a table so folk can find where we are.

See you there,



Graeme Sharpe SRUC: Swarming and swarm control – January 30

Graeme Sharpe, SRUC: Swarming and swarm control

Graeme is the Bee Advisory Officer at SRUC campus, Auchencruive: his post is funded by the Scottish Government, at the campus he runs about 70 colonies, as well as courses in many aspects of beekeeping.

All meetings start at 7.30pm, in the Community Centre (Drill Hall), Walkershaugh, Peebles, followed by a question and answer session. Then there’s time to chat and catch up afterwards, over refreshments.

Everyone’s welcome at our meetings – you don’t need to be a member. Further details on the website ( or contact the Secretary: 01721 720 563 / 07563 185 993.

PBKA Pub Meeting 6th December

The last meeting of the PBKA this year will be on Wednesday 6th Dec at 7.30pm in the back bar of the Neidpath Inn in Peebles.

If you are thinking of starting beekeeping in the new year we can advise on beginners classes and meetings that will help.

All welcome.