Professor David Evans Virus diseases of Honeybees: recent research – February 27
Professor David Evans, St Andrews University
Virus diseases of Honeybees: recent research
Professor Evans is known to many beekeepers through his blog (theapiarist), and in the academic world for (among other topics) research into the Deformed Wing Virus (DWV) in honeybees. His talk will explore the problems, and the latest thinking on combating this.
All meetings start at 7.30pm, in the Community Centre (Drill Hall), Walkershaugh, Peebles, followed by a question and answer session. Then there’s time to chat and catch up afterwards, over refreshments.
Everyone’s welcome at our meetings – you don’t need to be a member. Further details on the website ( or contact the Secretary: 01721 720 563 / 07563 185 993.