Peeblesshire Beekeepers Association

Professor David Evans Virus diseases of Honeybees: recent research – February 27

Professor David Evans, St Andrews University

Virus diseases of Honeybees: recent research

Professor Evans is known to many beekeepers through his blog (theapiarist), and in the academic world for (among other topics) research into the Deformed Wing Virus (DWV) in honeybees. His talk will explore the problems, and the latest thinking on combating this.

All meetings start at 7.30pm, in the Community Centre (Drill Hall), Walkershaugh, Peebles, followed by a question and answer session. Then there’s time to chat and catch up afterwards, over refreshments.

Everyone’s welcome at our meetings – you don’t need to be a member. Further details on the website ( or contact the Secretary: 01721 720 563 / 07563 185 993.

PBKA Pub Meeting February 7th

Its a new year and spring is approaching. Time to think about plans for this years beekeeping.

If you are an old hand, a beginner or just thinking about starting you can swap plans or get advice from the local beekeepers in the comfort of the local pub. All welcome.

This years first meeting will be on Wednesday 7th Feb at 7.30pm in the back bar of the Neidpath Inn in Peebles. Sadly the Neidpath Inn seems to have closed down.

This month we will try the Cross Keys, Northgate, Peebles as our venue – still 7.30pm.

It’s quite a big pub with a few nooks and crannies so I’ll bring some bee paraphernalia and put it on a table so folk can find where we are.

See you there,



Graeme Sharpe SRUC: Swarming and swarm control – January 30

Graeme Sharpe, SRUC: Swarming and swarm control

Graeme is the Bee Advisory Officer at SRUC campus, Auchencruive: his post is funded by the Scottish Government, at the campus he runs about 70 colonies, as well as courses in many aspects of beekeeping.

All meetings start at 7.30pm, in the Community Centre (Drill Hall), Walkershaugh, Peebles, followed by a question and answer session. Then there’s time to chat and catch up afterwards, over refreshments.

Everyone’s welcome at our meetings – you don’t need to be a member. Further details on the website ( or contact the Secretary: 01721 720 563 / 07563 185 993.

PBKA Pub Meeting 6th December

The last meeting of the PBKA this year will be on Wednesday 6th Dec at 7.30pm in the back bar of the Neidpath Inn in Peebles.

If you are thinking of starting beekeeping in the new year we can advise on beginners classes and meetings that will help.

All welcome.

Honey Show – Judge Alan Riach – November 28

Honey Show – Judge Alan Riach


Alan is well known in Peebles, and highly respected as a honey judge, so we’re delighted to welcome him back as our judge. Many of our beeekeepers will know Alan as the examiner for SBA Beemaster certification.

Show Schedule:-

2017 Schedule & Rules
Please get your entries to the Drill Hall by 7pm: volunteers to help with setting out the show and with marking will be very welcome!
And if you can bring something towards the refreshments – even better.
If you have any queries about the Show, please contact the Secretary.
PBKA has a display case for a frame of honey (Class 6): this can be borrowed by members, but please book it in advance.

Guides to preparing items for showing can be found here:


All meetings start at 7.30pm, in the Community Centre (Drill Hall), Walkershaugh, Peebles, followed by a question and answer session. Then there’s time to chat and catch up afterwards, over refreshments.

Everyone’s welcome at our meetings – you don’t need to be a member. Further details on the website ( or contact the Secretary: 01721 720 563 / 07563 185 993.

Honey Show Reminder

Don’t forget our Honey Show on  the last Tuesday of the month – judged by Alan Riach.

Schedule and Rules:-

2017 Schedule & Rules

Please get your entries to the Drill Hall by 7pm: volunteers to help with setting out the show and with marking will be very welcome!

And if you can bring something towards the refreshments – even better.

If you have any queries about the Show, please contact the Secretary.

PBKA has a display case for a frame of honey (Class 6): this can be borrowed by members, but please book it in advance.

Also – Saturday 25th the Association has a stall at the High Street food market: if you have any hive products to sell, please contact Mandy or Peter Stevenson.

Guides to preparing items for showing can be found here:


PBKA Pub Meeting 8th November

Only a few apiary jobs to do at this time of year – making hives weather and mouse proof, checking stores and planning varroa treatment.

If you want advice about planning for next season, or to get some exhibits ready for this month’s honey show, or if you are a novice and just want to find out more, then come along and chat to the local beekeepers.

This months meeting will be on Wednesday 8th Nov at 7.30pm in the back bar of the Neidpath Inn in Peebles.

Kate Atchley: Pollens through the Season – October 31

Pollens through the Season: samples collected in Spring & Summer, analysed and photographed under the microscope, with guidance on making pollen slides.

Kate Atchley has kept bees for more than 20 years and recently led a native bee breeding project in Ardnamurchan. A reluctant late-comer to SBA exams, she became fascinated by microscopy when preparing for that module, and continues to study pollens and the physical characteristics of bees, using microscopes and undertaking wing morphometry. She is a NW Area Representative and trustee of Scottish Beekeepers Association and will soon move to live near Kelso; she is also one of the founders of the SNHBS, and a great supporter of native honey bees.

All meetings start at 7.30pm, in the Community Centre (Drill Hall), Walkershaugh, Peebles, followed by a question and answer session. Then there’s time to chat and catch up afterwards, over refreshments.

Everyone’s welcome at our meetings – you don’t need to be a member. Further details on the website ( or contact the Secretary: 01721 720 563 / 07563 185 993.

PBKA Pub Meeting 4th Oct

It’s the time of year to think of winter preparations for the bees.

Maybe its time to be extracting and preparing honey if you’ve been lucky with a honey crop this year.

Also a chance to review the season and think about next year.

As usual all welcome to discuss this and all things beekeeping on Wednesday 4th Oct at 7.30pm in the back bar of the Neidpath Inn in Peebles.

See you there.

PBKA Pub Meeting 6th Sept

The main beekeeping season is drawing in – like the nights.

There is still plenty to think about at this time of year – feeding, varroa treatment and honey processing for instance.

If you need advice on these things, or anything else bee related, come along for a chat on Wednesday 6th Sept at 7.30pm in the back bar of the Neidpath Inn in Peebles.

As always everyone is welcome – non-beekeepers, potential beekeepers, beginners and old hands. See you there.