Peeblesshire Beekeepers Association

Beeswax from comb to candles

Mandy Clydesdale

Mar 7, 2023 7:30 PM

Zoom Meeting ID: 942 6742 8140

Contact Secretary for the Zoom Meeting Invite.

Topic: Beeswax from comb to candles: Mandy Clydesdale PBKA

The practicalities of dealing with all that used comb: cleaning, filtering – and some aspects of health and safety. Which materials to avoid, what to do with your cleaned wax – and some basic information on candle-making.


Peeblesshire Beekeepers Annual General Meeting

Tuesday 29 March 2022

7.30pm Community Centre (Drill Hall), Walkershaugh, Peebles


1. Apologies for absence



2. Minutes of the 2021 AGM

3. Matters arising from minutes

4. Secretary’s Report

5. Treasurer’s Report

6. Subscriptions

7. Election of Office Bearers

All offices are open for election


PBKA Talk Mark Barnett 1st April 7.30pm

Mapping honey bee health and genetic diversity.

Our next talk will be on Thursday 1st April at 7.30pm : Dr Mark Barnett from Roslin Institute will talk about “Mapping honey bee health and genetic diversity

The talk will be via Zoom, an invitation will be sent to members by email.

Dr Barnett’s research projects have investigated not just honeybee genetics (in particular that of the dark bee), but also the microbial life within and on honeybees, which affect their life and health.

You can read an interview with him here:

If you haven’t yet received your invite or need help with Zoom meetings contact Peter.

PBKA Talk Fiona Highet SASA 7th October 7.30pm

Honey bee pests and diseases

Our first winter talk will be on Wednesday 7th October at 7.30: Fiona Highet from SASA will talk about “Honey bee pests and diseases” – and will give us the latest information on these across Scotland. Make a note in your calendar – the talk will be via Zoom, an invitation will be sent to members by email.

Most of you will remember Fiona’s last talk – lots of useful information, a very knowledgeable lively talk followed by a lively discussion session. SASA Scientists provide an essential service to everyone in the farming industry – read about their role in working for bees and beekeepers here::

If you haven’t yet received your invite or need help with Zoom meetings contact Peter.

PBKA Virtual “Pub” Meeting 6th May 2020 7.30pm

After our foray into the world of Zoom video meetings in place of the monthly pub meeting last month, and our successful Beginning Beekeeping weekly sessions, we’ll be meeting up again this month by video at our usual date and time – the first Wednesday of the month – 6th May at 7.30pm.

The format will be the usual mix of association business, news from the association apiary, beekeeping advice (given and received), gossip and general chit chat.

Beginners, regulars and anyone else are very welcome.

A meeting invitation will be sent by email. Please contact Peter if you need the details.

Hope to see you there.


Tuesday 31st March

Venue: TBC Due to schools use of the Community Centre (Drill Hall) Peebles the meeting may be relocated to Manor Village Hall

Time: 7.30pm

Peeblesshire Beekeepers Annual General Meeting

Agenda to be confirmed

Video Meeting Wed 1st April 7.30pm

I hope everyone is safe and well.

It would be really good if we can keep the Peeblesshire Beekeepers Association operating in some form during the current crisis.

The latest advice that I circulated recently says that:-
“You should continue to work and care for your animals in the normal manner, as far as possible. You should not take measures that compromise the welfare of the animals in your care.”

With that in mind, I have a suggestion on using video conferencing to hold meetings where we can share help and advice, and also importantly, to still keep some social contact.

If video conferencing sounds scary then let me assure you that it needn’t be. Just this week in our house we have done video pilates, video guitar lesson, video dance class, video tea breaks and so on.

Here are some instructions about using Zoom video conferencing

The short version is :-
Download and install the Zoom app from

(It is free of charge). Wait for an email invitation from the meeting organiser and follow the instructions in the invitation. That’s it!

To try this out, I’m aiming to host a virtual meeting that would work in much the same way as we would do for our monthly pub meetings. In fact I’m planning on having the meeting at our usual time on the first Wednesday of the month – 1st April at 7.30pm

It’s really straightforward to use Zoom on your phone, tablet, laptop or PC – just follow the instructions.
So I hope you’ll be able to join me next week.

If you do plan on meeting up, maybe drop me an email or text beforehand so I can look out for you when the meeting starts.

If you need more help with getting Zoom running I’m very happy to act as technical support – you can get me ">at this email or on my mobile 07977 563545.

Shortly before the meeting I’ll send out an invitation and it will have instructions on how to join.

Really hoping to meet up with you soon,
