Peeblesshire Beekeepers Association

Apiary Visit Report 28th May 2019

Ranald visited the apiary on the 28th May since the weekend visit was a washout. Here is his report:-

Hive 1: (nearest the sheds)A  small amount of activity at the door, I didn’t see any pollen going in.I hefted the hive and it felt quite light.

Hive 2:Lots of activity at the door, pollen going in.Hive feeling heavy.

Hive 3:Lots of activity at the door, pollen going in.Tallest of the hives, didn’t heft it.Screwed metal brackets round back corners of the base,to help stabilize the hive.  

Hive 4: (no number on outside)A small amount of activity at the door , didn’t see any pollen going in.Hive quite light

Poly Nuc:Some activity at the door, pollen going in.