Peeblesshire Beekeepers Association

Mating Bumblebees

Just on my way into town the other day I noticed this pair of bumbleebees at the side of the road.

Mating Bumblebees

I’m pretty sure they are white tailed bumblebees. The male is at the back and he should have some yellow on his face that I think I can just about make out. I didn’t have my good camera with me so these are just snapped by the phone.

They looked locked together and weren’t really moving. My book says that “A pair of bumblebees may remain united for anything up to an hour or more ” (!). So I’m glad I didn’t stay to watch, although I did move them to the edge of the pavement so they didn’t get squished in the act.

A bit different to honeybee mating where it is over in an instant for the male…
