Peeblesshire Beekeepers Association

Welcome to the Peeblesshire Beekeepers Association

Upcoming Events

The Peeblesshire Beekeepers Association was originally established in 1919.

To see what has been happening lately you can read the news.

The association is open to anyone who is interested in bees and beekeeping.

We run a program of events throughout the year.

The association provides a range of benefits for members.

We run educational classes to help beginner and established beekeepers.

The association has its own apiary which is used for demonstrations and mentoring.

Please contact us if you require more information about the association.

Apiary Visit
Apiary Visit
Looking for the queen
Honey products
Honey products
Honey Picnic
Honey Picnic
Busy bees
Busy bees
Bee on Hydrangea
Bee on Hydrangea